
Autonomous web Documents...

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Planning planet recommender

No installation, Immediate free easy use

Self sufficient, and autonomous: Autonomous web documents can be used immediately on your PC without being connected to the internet. No need to be hooked on a server. Just save a demo on your PC, revise it and send it, its free!

Simple and intuitive: eDitor, ePlanning and eTablor can be edited directly and immediately on IE5 browsers by any non experienced user.

Compact: eDitor, ePlanning and eTablor files are contained in a single dhtml web-page and can be mailed in a few seconds. You can also send the data only (a 100 tasks datafile weighs 18 Ko...)

A new work environment: Autonomous web documents users have
- An access to all their exchanges and forums through eOutlook
- They can also share project files and documents in a workgroup manner through eWebOS

Autonomous web documents are setting new grounds for Project Management development.

They include in one single html page:

- a complete application interface
- the client data

They can work on a simple click on client side without any installation, as a self sufficient application.

Apart from being of extreme simple use and flexibility, the main advantage of autonomous web documents is that they can be emailed and immediately viewed without any risk by the recipent.

Autonomous web documents can find large developments in specialized tradeworks where common functions and representations are employed between the users: In these environments, they can provide powerful development technologies at a minimum cost.

Download ePlanning demo: ePlanning.Zip(50K)
Download eTablor demo: eTablor.Zip (23K)
Download eDitor demo: eDitor.Zip (50K)

3 stars ZDNET for the demo
3 stars for eplanning  preversion at ZD Net!
forum eApplications
eDitor.html (demo 180k 23Mar02)
Text and drawing editor
Automatic table of contents
Drawing to scale

ePlanning.htm (Demo-1Nov)
Gantt and Pert diagrams
Links between tasks,
Works progress,
Critical path calc,
Red line,etc...

(Update regularly your demo)

eTablor.htm (Demo-01Nov)
Simple spreadsheet
Style management,
Adjustable cells ,

Please, refer the concept...
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